Cockney Ipsum
Come on my old China
Where's the trouble? It's all gone Pete Tong! You're going to have your barnet cut today. Answer that dog and bone! Stick it up your Khyber. Let's climb those apples and pears. On with the Titfa Take a quick butchers hook Where's the trouble? What is she rabbiting on about, Right bin lids, Your barnet looks like an Irish Jig. Let's climb those apples and pears. Get some Sherbert down your Gregory. You're starting to get on my wick. I don't Adam and Eve it! Absolutely brassic - Yer 'aving a larf! I don't Adam and Eve it! What knobbly biscuits you have! Can you Adam and Eve it? Pick up your plates and get moving. Absolutely brassic - Yer 'aving a larf! Take a quick butchers hook Where's my old man? You made a pig's ear of that. Put on your best fiddle and flute Where's my old man? Get your ones on, we're heading off to the local!
Get your ones on, we're heading off to the local! See you later alligator. What knobbly biscuits you have! I'll just ask His Nibbs, Hand over the bees to me, Now, you look Cream Crackered. You muppet! It's all gone Pete Tong! You forgot your sausage and mash. Hand over the bees to me, They're telling you pork pies, Answer that dog and bone! On with the Titfa Scarpa! You forgot your sausage and mash. Where's my old man? You made a pig's ear of that. On with the Titfa Pick up your plates and get moving. It's time to iron my Uncle. Hand over the bees to me, Can you Adam and Eve it?
Take a quick butchers hook Pick up your plates and get moving. Put on your Weasel On with the Titfa It's time to iron my Uncle. Use your loaf and think about it, Your barnet looks like an Irish Jig. Get up those Apples and to bed! Stick it up your Khyber. Can you Adam and Eve it? You're going to have your barnet cut today. I'll just ask His Nibbs, On with the Titfa What knobbly biscuits you have! Having a good rabbit and pork, Someone has half inched your wallet. Come on my old China, Take a quick butchers hook Get some Sherbert down your Gregory. It's all gone Pete Tong! I don't Adam and Eve it! Your barnet looks like an Irish Jig. Your barnet looks like an Irish Jig. Answer that dog and bone!
Pick up your plates and get moving. Pick up your plates and get moving. You're talking cobblers! Let's get down to brass tacks. You're going to have your barnet cut today. Put on your Weasel Where's the trouble? Use your loaf and think about it, Right bin lids, Get up those Apples and to bed! Where's my old man? I don't Adam and Eve it! Your barnet looks like a Syrup and Fig. Now, you look Cream Crackered. Someone has half inched your wallet. Get up those Apples and to bed! You made a pig's ear of that. It's time to iron my Uncle. You forgot your sausage and mash. Where's my old man? It's all gone Pete Tong! Hand over the bees to me, Where's my old man? Someone has half inched your wallet. Where's my old man?
Let's climb those apples and pears. Use your loaf and think about it, Now, you look Cream Crackered. Your barnet looks like an Irish Jig. What knobbly biscuits you have! What knobbly biscuits you have! Absolutely brassic - Yer 'aving a larf! I'll just ask His Nibbs, On with the Titfa It's all gone Pete Tong! Let's climb those apples and pears. Can you Adam and Eve it? Put on your best fiddle and flute Get up those Apples and to bed! You're starting to get on my wick. Answer that dog and bone! What is she rabbiting on about, Where's my old man? Now, you look Cream Crackered. You're going to have your barnet cut today. Where's the trouble? Stick it up your Khyber. It pens in here, I don't Adam and Eve it! Lad. Use your crust mate! Hand over the bees to me.